My hopes were high, and I will finish the series, but I am disappointed. I was hoping that this would be written like the Mediator series, not the Princess Diaries.

The pacing is fast, and this is told as if Jess is writing a statement for the police (which it turns out is actually for the FBI), so I suppose that COULD be forgive, but I don’t want to forgive it. I guess that is what teenage girls are like, if they are trying really hard to be something that they are not. Oh, the premise is interesting, but the main character is annoying as all get out. /rebates/2fbook2f2244199672fWhen-Lightning-Strikes&. Let’s begin with this question: why did I read a book written for pre-teen girls? Well, you see, I have read almost everything else by Meg Cabot (I draw the line at her children’s books), so I thought “lets read these so that they can be read”. So she has a lot of detention and gets to hang out with the “grits”, who are the guys from the bad part of town, including Rob, whom she has a crush on. Oh, and she is a good girl who gets into fights on behave of her friends and family. or for evil.Written by Meg Cabot, this novel follows Jess, who was hit by lightning and now, after seeing a lost person’s photo the night before, the next morning knows where they are.

An amazing power that can be used for good. Because somehow, on that long walk home in the thunderstorm, Jess acquired a newfound talent. Instead of cheerleading there are fistfights with the football team and month-long stints in detention - not that detention doesn't have its good points - like sitting next to Rob - the cutest senior around! But this is trouble with a capital T - this trouble is serious. Not that Jess has ever really avoided trouble before. When lightning strikes there can only be trouble - as Jess Mastriani finds out when she and best friend Ruth get caught in a thunderstorm. Because somehow, on that long walk home in the thunderstorm. Meg currently divides her time between Key West, Indiana, and New York City with a primary cat (one-eyed Henrietta), various back-up cats, and her husband, who doesnt know he married a fire horse. Not that Jess has ever really avoided trouble before. Her new paranormal series, Abandon, debuts in Summer of 2011.